
Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Barbecue Project

We started this project a couple of months ago. We were able to get three businessmen in town to donate the materials for the table tops that we put on the unfinished rock stands that had been built by another contractor. We died them a tile red and then sealed them with a red sealer to prevent the grease from discoloring them. The units were donated by a combination of a vendor who cut and molded the steel parts and the welding class at the high school who put them together.

I think they really turned out good. I'm not sure the lady who is the Park Ranger thinks they are so great. She better like them they would have cost here over $2,000 to make and install them I am sure.

We are going to do some painting of a bridge at the park with a special paint that we used on the steps at the cabin. It should do well. Next week I should have the memorial plaques for the BBQ's and we will put them on as well as paint the bridge. If the painting goes well then we may do the picnic tables as well.

It is fun to do these service projects for the community.

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