
Friday, March 1, 2013

Elders come to Tompkinsville

Saturday we got word that we are getting Elders. We are thrilled. We have Elder Huffacker from Boise and Elder Burgan from Brigham City. Elder Huffacker was one of the traveling elders that has worked Tompkinsville for the past 6 months. He is town District Leader and training greeny. Elder Burgan just arrived on Tuesday from the MTC.
They are living with us until we can find them a decent apt. So far it isn't looking real good. Can I say mornings are quite interesting with shower time. I have all my clothes and everything in their room so I really have to plan my mornings. I have been cooking for them they really like that.. It is great to watch their dedication to the work and their obedience to the schedule.
The added stress of it has kept me up coughing and in the chair. I am so tired since I have gotten no sleep for the past two nights.
We visited with Sheila at Old Mulkey about our upcoming service project. She is excited for the presentation we gave her on repairing the rock grills they have there. We are having a service project with the ward opening it up to the community to cleanup and plant small trees and bushes. Pray that Sheila's heart will be opened to hear the gospel.

So much to do hear I need sleep to work..

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